‘A world of hearts’ – Our Colourful Window Display

We joined in with the movement to bring colourful rainbows and hearts to the world with a colourful window display of rainbow coloured hearts. We hope it brings a smile to lots of faces when passing our shop during a walk outside.

Rainbow Hearts in the Cakery Window
Rainbow Hearts in the Cakery Window

The display was made from a mix of cut-out paper hearts and poster painted hearts and includes the message ‘The world came together…as the people stayed apart’. 🙂

Close up of Rainbow Hearts in the Cakery Window
Close up of Rainbow Hearts in the Cakery Window

Thank you to Charlotte at Charm Tree Studio for all the hard work put into creating our lovely display.

We’ve even inspired some of our customers to copy!

Rainbow hearts in our customer's window
Rainbow hearts in our customer’s window


Let us know if you’ve been inspired by our window or if it’s brightened up your day.

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